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“In the past, we would try to predict when we were close to having the liquid filled. The operator might walk away to perform another task, and the liquid could possibly overfill. Now, we have savings on two fronts—we don’t have to monitor as closely, saving labor; and we’re preventing overfills.”

- Robert Parsons, Operations Manager for Holston Gases, Inc.

Liquid Fill Systems

For High Pressure Cylinder Pumped Filling and Liquid Can Pressure Filling Applications 

Weldcoa’s automated liquid fill stations save time (labor hours) and money (minimize losses) by taking the fill process out of the cylinder filler’s hands. The single or 2 gas liquid cylinder filling system provides a means of automatically filling portable cryogenic containers with liquid Oxygen, Nitrogen or Argon.  A digital scale is used to measure the weight of product and to automatically shut off product flow when the desired fill weight is achieved.  The system is designed to fill via pressure transfill from the supply tank.

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Weldcoa Automated Liquid Fill System Minimizes: 

  • Product losses by not overfilling the liquid cylinders. For every minute of overfilling, it equates to a loss of 30% of the capacity of the container.
  • Issues with Department of Weight and Measures about the overfull containers
  • Labor costs, as the filler is able to perform other functions while the system is filling the liquid cylinders.

Features & Benefits

  • Turnkey/modular design
  • Interpiped & interconnected
  • Durable construction
  • Quick & easy connections
  • Safer filling
  • Increased productivity
  • Frees operators to multi-task
  • Delivered as self contained, turn key units that are ready to operate once the existing gas lines have been connected to them
  • All units are built and tested at Weldcoa prior to shipping to the customer work site. This assures that the unit is fully operational upon receipt. 
  • Made in the USA


Automated Systems (Most Popular and Recommended)

With the automated system, the filler will put the liquid cylinder on a pit or low profile drum scale, connect fill the hose, input the fill weight desired and push the “Start” button. At the point the filler can walk away to do another function as the liquid supply valve will open, fill the liquid cylinder to the selected weight and then close the liquid supply valve. Once the liquid cylinder is full, a visual (light) and audible (horn) alarm will notify the filler that the process is complete. He can walk back to close the liquid and vent valves on the liquid cylinder so that not all of the pressure is blown out through the vent valve. 


  • Automated Control Panel with Emergency E-Stop button, Alarm Silence Button, Fill Complete Alarm, Gas Selector Switch and Light/Alarm Tower
  • Extended stem pneumatically actuated cryogenic ball valves to control fill
  • Extended stem manual cryogenic ball valves to isolate fill
  • A heavy gauge, powder-coated tubular steel floor mounted stand with hose stowage bracket
  • Cryogenic check valve on fill to prevent contamination of product supply
  • Armored cryogenic hoses (various sizes available)
  • Spin on 90 degree wheel CGA connectors for fill and vent
  • Common inlet port for 1 or 2 gas for quicker install
  • All necessary relief valves for over pressure protection
  • Pressure indicator gauge
  • ¼” hose drain valves
  • Pneumatics regulator

Manual (Non-Automated) Systems 

A minimal cost option that will provide a safer filling environment and increased productivity. 


  • A heavy gauge, powder-coated tubular steel floor mounted stand with hose stowage bracket
  • Cryogenic check valve on fill to prevent contamination of product supply
  • Extended stem cryogenic ball valves to control fill
  • Armored cryogenic hoses (various sizes available)
  • Spin on 90 degree wheel CGA connectors for fill and vent
  • Common inlet port for 1 or 2 gas for quicker install
  • All necessary relief valves for over pressure protection
  • Pressure indicator gauge
  • ¼” hose drain valves

100% Made in the USA


ModernManufacturing CTA Image

We are a modernized manufacturing facility with automated operations.

Ensure that the products and services you depend on are of the highest quality, and will be there when you need them, time and time again.

We’ve adapted to a new way of working, in order to meet new expectations. We’re better, stronger, and will respond with greater agility. More than ever before, we are committed to delivering quality, Made in the USA products and services, that you can always depend on, and that will contribute to the success of your business.

“With the automation in the new fill plant in Tulsa, variability is removed and process repeatability is ensured.”

Harry Fite, Owner of Gas & Supply's Oklahoma Facility