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Traversing Linear Fill Systems

Intended for those who want to fill cylinders on a rack (and not on a pallet) while benefiting from significant advantages of a traversing system

Traversing Linear Fill Systems

An economical option that can greatly increase your production. 

Weldcoa is the recognized leader in independent manufacturing of Fill Systems. The Weldcoa Modular Filling Equipment is designed for rapid, minimal cost, installation into new or existing facilities. Our process has been developed over the last 50 years and continues to be refined. Building the equipment in the controlled environment of the Weldcoa plant prior to delivery reduces labor, engineering and overall planning costs dramatically.

The Benefits of Using a Traversing Linear Fill Systems

  • Performance is increased
  • Quality and Safety is Increased
  • The Effective Use of Labor and Time Management is Increased
  • Organization and Utilization of Capitol Investments is increased

On our Non-Palletized Traversing Fill Systems, the linear manifold traverses (moves right to left) on a rail system that connects two fill stations. While one station is filling the other station is being prepped. As soon as “Station A” completes the fill cycle the traversing manifold can move to “Station B.”  With this configuration you minimize your capitol investment on manifolds while maximizing your vacuum and cryogenic pump investment.

Traversing Linear Fill Systems-Illustration

This popular floor-level design also provides the filler an organized, safe environment to fill and manage cylinder flow. This is an economical option that allows more of the capital investment to be used towards automation and/or additional equipment verses the deck structure. There is a cylinder securement chain that attaches to the station, preventing the cylinders from falling and/or cascading.

We offer both manual and automated packages with this fill system design. 

The Benefits of Automating Your Fill Process

Our Sur-Fill Automation is a highly efficient, cost effective, safe alternative to conventional manual filling methods. Weldcoa has several levels of automation to choose from allowing the operator to be freed up to do more operations during a fill cycle. Eliminating time loss during wait, cycle transitions and monitoring times. Due to the laws of physics, you simply cannot fill faster safely but with Weldcoa Sur-Fill Automation you can….

  • You increase efficiency by managing your capital investments. With this configuration you minimize your capitol investment on manifolds while maximizing your vacuum and cryogenic pump investment.
  • You increase productivity by managing your labor performance and cycle times per fill. When one station is automatically switching from vent, vacuum and fill cylces the filler can be at the other station prepping, inspecting, attaching and/or attaching the flexible leads.
  • Increase Productivity by reducing your cylinder handling and managing your labor more effectively
  • Increase Safety by establishing a more organized, safer filling environment
  • Gain Measurable employee activity, a more unified, consistent Standard Operating Procedures and effective labor use

How it All Works

The Sur-Fill Mix Gas Cylinder Filling System allows the operator to fill Straight Gas, Industrial Mixes, Medical Mixes and Specialty Mixes. The operator commands and monitors the filling system through the use of a graphical operator terminal.  The terminal is a touch screen device with virtual “buttons”.   The terminal will respond to bare and gloved hands.

Gases are filled automatically using pre-defined formulas.  A reference cylinder on a weigh scale is used by the control system to monitor the addition of gas components. The combination of controlling pump speed and the use of a throttling valve permit the system to achieve accurate results. The operator selects formulas, filling options, enters production tracking data and can monitor the progress of the fill through the use of a touch screen operator interface.

Production data may be automatically recorded by a remote computer.  The operator must provide information about the cylinders being filled in order for the data to be meaningful. The Production Data screen is used to enter information about the batch of cylinders to be filled.  This information is communicated to a remote computer for generating production reports.  When an operator touches one of the fields, a keypad drop down box appears to permit data entry.





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We are a modernized manufacturing facility with automated operations.

Ensure that the products and services you depend on are of the highest quality, and will be there when you need them, time and time again.

We’ve adapted to a new way of working, in order to meet new expectations. We’re better, stronger, and will respond with greater agility. More than ever before, we are committed to delivering quality, Made in the USA products and services, that you can always depend on, and that will contribute to the success of your business.

“It’s a really nice, compact system that fulfills our needs now and also allows us to grow over the next several years.”

Todd Ungru with Koehler Welding Supply